2013 Spring Clean

After those peeps at Twitter purchased Posterous (well their developers in any case) I knew it was time to sort out a new website.

So its out with the old and in with the new.

Its quite nice to be fiddling around with code again <geek alert>.

I was going up the hillside and the journey just begun

Seems appropriate for the somewhat uncertain nostalgia i’m feeling today.

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The isle is full of noises…

Be not afeard. The isle is full of noises,
Sounds, and sweet airs, that give delight and hurt not. Continue Reading →

“There are times when a feeling of expectancy comes to me, as if something is there, beneath the surface of my understanding, waiting for me to grasp it. Continue Reading →

So proud to be a British citizen.

The opening ceremony of the Olympics was immense but mostly I love being British because of the people like this. 🙂

You rock my world lady.

Hahaha!  And more genius here..

Danny Boyle to direct world-closing ceremony

We know what you are doing

Be aware of your social media privacy.. This experiment shows you why..


Make or break a habit in 21 days

Great idea.. Make a resolution and this website emails you every day to see how you are going.  the “committed mode” is also a master stroke.  Fail to meet your goals and you will donate a $1 a day to your nominated charity. 🙂


Honey badger don’t care

Word… especially relevant in my last week of work before a nice long holiday.