Wet, dark, cold in London town

See now I like Autumn I really do.  But for some reason the visible changing of the seasons is particularly troubling to me this week. Continue Reading →

Damn you flu

Well I did so well all year and then one trip to New York (which was fab by the way) and I get the bloody flu.

Lettings hoping its not the swine variety, altho I was told by a certain swede in the know that I would be better off with that one as the other flu kills more.

Even so I’m rubbish sick.. Roll on the weekend.

Coffee standards please!

Citizens of London.. Why oh why do we put up with the quite frankly poor standards of coffee that pervade this city?  Italians would have rioted in the streets by now.  The French would have gone on strike, of course.  Why do we all seem content with Starbucks/Costa/Nero swill? Continue Reading →

Must resist

Gah!  How have I let myself get addicted to red bull (sugar free). Continue Reading →

Fire walk with me

I have to say that this is a series that gets in your head and just won’t leave.  On the weekend we continued our Twin Peaks marathon and the more I watch the more questions I have even though I saw it when it was first on television. Continue Reading →

Monday morning fuel

Full of fat and completely not good for me.  But how can millions of French people be wrong?  The Croissant served with a  large coffee..

Ahh.. Ready for the week.